Class of 2022 • Painting

Ava Marie Downey

National College of Art and Design


Graduation Year
Class of 2022

Domestic abuse has always fascinated me in both its psychological patterns and how we as a society respond to it. With coercive control only becoming a criminal offence in Ireland in January 2019, I believe the concept of abuse beyond the physical is one that we are still trying to grasp as a society due to the lack of understanding and knowledge around it.

My practice has a very personal component to it since I draw on my own experience of abuse in my childhood home. The artwork I create is not overtly about domestic abuse but rather tells a story about an emotional state while in an abusive situation.

The abusive cycle of tension, incident, reconciliation, calm and repeat is an ideology that I have created my work around. I am expressing the adverse impact abuse has on usual day to day activities.
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