In this project, I aim to explore the significance of daily rituals through the medium of animation. Daily rituals, whether mundane or meaningful, play a pivotal role in shaping our lives and identities. The project seeks to investigate the universal aspects of daily rituals while also acknowledging the cultural diversity and individual variations that exist. This exploration is crucial as it sheds light on the human experience and highlights the interconnectedness of individuals and societies through shared practices. Rituals are symbolic actions we do on purpose, reflecting our values and traditions. They mark important moments and can be big ceremonies or everyday tasks we do without thinking. Daily rituals are often used to mark transitions, create a sense of grounding or connection, or cultivate mindfulness and well-being. A ritual can be as simple as conversation, observing your surroundings, and self reflection. We seek meaning in everyday life, not realising that life every day is the meaning. This animation explores this idea of daily rituals throughout the routines of daily life (morning, work, journey, memory, nature etc.) It represents how the repetitive nature of a routine can be enhanced through gratitude for simple pleasures to constitute a fulfilling life.