Annie Fletcher selects the film work, How to Make a Refugee, by Phil Collins from the IMMA Collection
How to Make a Refugee by the artist Phil Collins is the work that I have chosen to highlight; I have, perhaps, selected this work because it speaks to the beginning of my career as a curator. When I first saw this film work, I truly understood the capacity of art to expand or at least share an experience between the artist and the viewer. It seemed to zoom in on a moment, an intimate vulnerable moment, a human moment in the middle of all the frenzy of life; that’s what art does. It’s like a cross section, a freeze frame and moment of intense intimacy when an artist draws you into their world and looks at whatever it is and shares with you, the viewer, a different view. This can be an empathetic view, an ecstatic view about the beauty of the world, a view filled with rage towards the injustice of the world or even – in the best pieces – all of the above!
The Glucksman Library at the University of Limerick is now one of the most digitally advanced libraries in the world, writes Judith Hill