Price Guide

Life-size Heads: Young woman in profile to right, cap with black ribbon round it, necklace, left hand holding ermine-lined mantle; Old woman, nearly in profile to left, cap, dark kerchief over and across it, both hands leaning on top of crutch; Young man, facing and looking to front, holding book open before him with left hand, lighted candle to right; and Old man, in profile to left, black velvet cap, spectacles held in right hand (set of 4)

Home / Life-size Heads: Young woman in profile to right, cap with black ribbon round it, necklace, left hand holding ermine-lined mantle; Old woman, nearly in profile to left, cap, dark kerchief over and across it, both hands leaning on top of crutch; Young man, facing and looking to front, holding book open before him with left hand, lighted candle to right; and Old man, in profile to left, black velvet cap, spectacles held in right hand (set of 4)
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Auction Date
7 May 2009


Auction House

Hammer Price

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